Wednesday 24 September 2014

Waiting on Wednesday (9): Winterspell

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**Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that spotlights highly anticipated upcoming releases.**


Author: Claire Legrand
Series: Standalone
Genre: YA, Fantasy, Historical Fiction
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Publication Date: September 30th, 2014
Format: Hardcover, ebook
Pages: 464


The clock chimes midnight, a curse breaks, and a girl meets a prince . . . but what follows is not all sweetness and sugarplums.

New York City, 1899. Clara Stole, the mayor's ever-proper daughter, leads a double life. Since her mother's murder, she has secretly trained in self-defense with the mysterious Drosselmeyer.

Then, on Christmas Eve, disaster strikes.

Her home is destroyed, her father abducted--by beings distinctly not human. To find him, Clara journeys to the war-ravaged land of Cane. Her only companion is the dethroned prince Nicholas, bound by a wicked curse. If they're to survive, Clara has no choice but to trust him, but his haunted eyes burn with secrets--and a need she can't define. With the dangerous, seductive faery queen Anise hunting them, Clara soon realizes she won't leave Cane unscathed--if she leaves at all.

Inspired by The Nutcracker, Winterspell is a dark, timeless fairy tale about love and war, longing and loneliness, and a girl who must learn to live without fear. (Goodreads)

Why I'm Waiting...

Simple, I'm in love with Claire Legrand's books. Okay, so I've only read The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls but still it was freaking fantastic! After falling in love with Cavendish, Claire Legrand quickly became one of my favourite authors. If your interested, be sure to check out the prequel Summerfall: A Winterspell Novella!

Summerfall: A Winterspell Novella 

What are you waiting on?
Please feel free to leave comments & WoW links below :).


  1. That cover is gorgeous!!!! Not sure I'd get into it... but... Im intrigued so on my TBR pile!!
    New follower
    Anna's WoW

    1. Haha, TBR pile for the win! Following you back, thanks for stopping by! :)

  2. This comes out soon! This is not something I would normally read, but I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for stopping by My WoW.

  3. Oooh Great Pick! Im super excited about this one as well

    My WoW pick

    Michelle @ Book Briefs

  4. Inspired by The's different! I need it! I have to add this to my shopping list for next week, lol. Great pick! Thanks for stopping by!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

  5. This sounds interesting and different! Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)

  6. Dark fairy tales...count me in!

  7. Cool, I didn't know there was a novella! Thanks for that, and I agree, I think this is going to be an amazing book. I can't wait to get my hands on it! It sounds so good!
    My WoW.

  8. I read this and really enjoyed it! It's a great dark YA fantasy. I hope you get to read it soon and that you enjoy it! Thanks for stopping by my WOW!

    Amber R. @ Bibliophilia, Please

  9. Yay!! I truly feel like you'll like this one. It's kind of knitty gritty but extremely well written.

  10. Winterspell will be out in five days!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  11. Damn tbr piles!! It's like the pile that never ends! :D

    Thanks for stopping by!

  12. Such a great pick! I am so, so excited for this one! And I could seriously hang the cover for Summerfall up on my wall. SO pretty. I have been hearing good things about Winterfall too. Hope you love it :)

  13. I already have this book but I haven't read it since I do have a lot of books lined up to read! ♥

    Here's mine:
    WOW: Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch

  14. I've never heard of this book but it sounds so amazing that I think I'm waiting on it now too! Thanks for the recommendation! I believe you have a new follower ;)

    The Life of Little Me

  15. I'm also looking forward to reading this one.
    Thanks for visiting My WOW

  16. I've seen this one on a lot of people's list this week. It sounds super great.

    Dreams @ Once Upon A Dream Books

  17. It sounds really good! I think I'll add it on my wishlist ass well! Thanks for visiting my post earlier :)
    Book Maniac Reviews

  18. I love that this is a Nutcracker retelling! And the cover is so pretty~ Great pick! Thanks for sharing (:

  19. I am so, SO excited to read this one! I've heard wonderful things about Claire Legrand's books, and the cover is so pretty I could die. :) Great pick!!

    Rachel @ Paper Cuts
