Tuesday 16 September 2014

Waiting on Wednesday (8): Lark Rising (Guardians of Tarnec, #1)

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**Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that spotlights highly anticipated upcoming releases.**

Lark Rising

Author: Sandra Waugh
Series: Guardians of Tarnec, #1
Genre: YA, Fantasy, Romance
Publisher: Random House
Publication Date: September 23rd, 2013
Format: Hardcover,
Pages: 384


“A beautifully realized world, a unique voice, and a compelling, action-packed story. This is a striking debut novel with a lovely folkloric flavor.” —Juliet Marillier, author of Wildwood Dancing.

Lark has foreseen two things—she will fall for a young man with sage green eyes,and he will kill her.

Sixteen-year-old Lark Carew is happiest close to home, tending her garden and gathering herbs for medicines. But when her Sight warns her that monsters called Troths will soon invade her village, Lark is summoned on a journey to seek help from the legendary Riders of Tarnec. Little does she suspect that one of the Riders, Gharain, is the very man who has haunted her visions. Or that the people of Tarnec have called her there for another reason: Lark is the Guardian of Life, the first of four Guardians who must awaken their powers to recover four stolen amulets. Together, the amulets—Life, Death, Dark, and Light—keep the world in Balance. To take back the Life amulet, Lark will have to discover her true inner strength and give in to a love that she swears will be her downfall. (Goodreads)

Why I'm Waiting...

The cover. That was the first thing that pulled me in, and then I read the summary. Now I'm not a heavy fantasy reader, but this sounds SO good!

What are you waiting on??
Please feel free to leave comments & WoWs below :)


  1. I've actually had my eye on this one too. It looks really good! Thanks for sharing :) Your blog is gorgeous, by the way!

    Here's my F&F!

    1. Good lord, I'm a moron today. It's WoW...

  2. that cover really is beautiful.. *gotta top staring* I'm not a big fantasy reader as well but I'll definitely keep my eyes out for this one. Thanks for sharing! :)

    czai @ the Blacksheep Project

  3. This books looks great. Thanks for stopping by my wow earlier. I'm definetly adding this to my TBR since I'm a sucker for fantasy.
    - Brittany @ please feed the bookworm

  4. I have not heard of this one, but love the cover!
    Check out my WOW

    1. It's a great cover! Definitely one of my favourites!
      Thanks for stopping by! :)

  5. Love the cover, and the book looks great! Thanks for visiting my blog. :)

  6. It sounds pretty fantastic! And what a great cover! Great pick! I now have a new TBR book! Thanks for stopping by! Happy reading!

    1. Yay!!
      I'm hoping you'll enjoy it!! Thanks for stopping by :)

  7. YES!!
    I'm glad to hear that this will be added to your TBR list, I really hope you enjoy it :D

    Thanks for stopping by!!

  8. First, that cover! It is beautiful! It does sound very very good. Great pick! Thanks for stopping by! Happy Wednesday.

  9. The cover is gorgeous! And it sounds like such an interesting book. It's been a while since I read some good fantasy so I might read this one.
    Thanks for stopping by earlier!

    El @ So Bookalicious

  10. The cover is sooo pretty! I actually really find this book interesting. I love the premise! Thanks for sharing!

  11. I'm excited for this book, too! I'm a little hesitant b/c it's a debut....and I haven't read a really good YA Fantasy debut in a while, but this one sounds promising. Plus, it combines my two favorite genres: Fantasy & Romance ;)

  12. I haven't heard of this one before, but it sounds very interesting. I hope you enjoy reading it! Thanks for stopping by My WoW

  13. I just needed that recommendation from Juliet Marillier to be sold! She's one of my favorite authors of all time, so if she says it's good, I'll believe it! :) Great pick!!

    Rachel @ Paper Cuts
