Wednesday 12 November 2014

Waiting on Wednesday (15): Resisting Her Rival

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**Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that spotlights highly anticipated upcoming releases.**

Resisting Her Rival

Author: Sonya Weiss
Series: Stealing the Heart, #2
Genre: Women's Fiction, Romance
Publisher: Entangled: Bliss
Publication Date: November 17 2014
Format: ebook
Pages: 265
Purchase: Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Kobo

All’s fair in love and war…

Abby Snyder finally has the opportunity to expand her diner now that the building next door is available. Unfortunately, she must compete with Nick Coleman to get it. Abby—usually über-responsible—shared one night of intense passion with the playboy, and she's been trying to forget it ever since. But then Nick bets her the building that he can make her fall in love with him in thirty days.

With his reputation ruining his chances at gaining some big clients, Nick needs a way to prove to everyone that he’s reformed. Dating Abby, the most respected girl in town—and the only one he wants—is the perfect solution. Nick’s confident he’ll get Abby to fall for him, so he’ll win the building and the girl he can't get out of his mind.

But even though Abby can’t lose, resisting Nick is harder than she thought. (Goodreads)

Why I'm Waiting...

I feel like I've been waiting FOREVER for this book, but really I haven't. This is a series that focuses on different characters in each book, I believe it'll only be on three sisters Abby, Amelia, and Ann but don't quote me on that! Anyways, I read Stealing the Groom and fell in love! I gave it 5 stars and added it to my favourites list. There wasn't a single thing I disliked and I've re-read it multiple times. You can click here to see my review for Stealing the Groom.

Unfortunately, I tried to request Resisting Her Rival on NetGalley. I was so excited for it! But then I got the worst email ever, I got declined...a tear may have been shed. 

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BUT I pre-order it and I'm now anxiously (and impatiently) waiting for November 17th to come!!!

What are you waiting on?
Please feel free to leave comments & WoW links below :).


  1. This sounds really cute! I love these kinds of romances, I'll have to add it to my read list. :) Great Pick!

  2. Oooh, I remember your review for Stealing The Groom (which I still have yet to read sigh). Rivals to lovers is one of my favorite scenarios, there is bound to be some witty banter. Hope you enjoy this one as much as the first :)

  3. I've never heard of this but the blurb sounds really good! Thanks for stopping by and Happy Reading!!

  4. Ohhh. I haven't heard of this series, but I might have to get it. I'm always looking for different adult books to read.

  5. This sounds really good! Sorry you didn't get approved on NG. I hope you enjoy reading it! Thanks for stopping by My WoW.

  6. This sounds really interesting! And isn't that the worse? Most the time I get declined and I'm like; whatever I didn't want it that bad anyways. And then there's always the one, the one you need, you can't live without getting the ARC and then you don't get it!

    Great pick and thanks for stopping by The Story Goes...

  7. Sounds adorable! I love a good romantic story :)
