Author Nancy Straight will be touring His Frozen Heart from November 3-14, 2014. Click here to join us for reviews and more!

His Frozen Heart
Author: Nancy Straight
Series: Brewer Brothers, #1
Genre: New Adult, Romance, Suspense
Publisher: Self-published
Publication Date: November 9th, 2014
Format: ebook
Pages: 400
Source: WordSmith Publicity
Purchase: Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Kobo
Rating: ★★★★ . 5
For best friends, Candy and Libby, money is tight with hardly enough to cover their living expenses. When they are desperate for grocery money, the girls bet on their pool playing skills to add to their income.
A simple wager on a quiet winter evening has devastating results, with a stalker determined to kill them both. With Libby in the hospital after a vicious attack, and Candy being pursued by the same stalker, she vows to find Libby's attacker.
What she finds is Dave, an old friend with a secret past filled with misfortune. Will Dave’s past provide the answer to all of Candy’s problems or will it become Candy’s worst nightmare realized? (Goodreads)
A simple wager on a quiet winter evening has devastating results, with a stalker determined to kill them both. With Libby in the hospital after a vicious attack, and Candy being pursued by the same stalker, she vows to find Libby's attacker.
What she finds is Dave, an old friend with a secret past filled with misfortune. Will Dave’s past provide the answer to all of Candy’s problems or will it become Candy’s worst nightmare realized? (Goodreads)
**I received an advanced copy from the author in exchange for an honest review. All quotes taken from a pre-published copy may be altered or omitted from the final version. **
Opening Lines
“I ran to the shadow of an enormous maple tree and crouched low to the ground. I couldn’t believe I had let Libby talk me into this. We had set our alarm clock for 2 AM, then sneaked out of my house while my parents were sound asleep.”
The minute I read the synopsis for His Frozen Heart I signed up for the blog tour. There was no way I was going to pass up the opportunity, this was my first read by Nancy Straight and it was definitely a good one. The first chapter or two left me a little hesitant in a way, I just wasn't really sure what I was getting myself into and how this story was going to be delivered, but a few more chapters in and I was hooked! I read this is one sitting, I just couldn't put it down! The suspense of it all kept me on my toes, and there was a perfect blend of romance. I really liked how Candy's and Libby's problems were realistic and ones that I believe a lot of people can somewhat relate to. Mind you, yes there were easier solutions to their problems but then we wouldn't have this amazing book now would we?
“I’m saying I didn’t know how lonely I was until you came into my life. Before you I had a frozen heart, and you were like a nitro charge.”
As much as this story is more about Candy all I cared about was Dave! Don't get me wrong I really liked Candy's character, but Dave just took my heart and he was all I cared about. He's been through so much and when we get information about his past I felt my heart break. I just wanted to hug him, hold him, and tell him everything would be okay and that he's not alone! I also have a thing for Obsessive-Compulsive characters, so that just added to the swooning! All the characters that we were introduced to played an interesting part, even if it was small. I liked that towards the end we get an update of some of the characters and their parents. It was a nice way to not leave everything hanging. The romance was beautifully written, what I liked most about it was that it didn't fall prey to the typical New-Adult romance standard. I admit this genre seems to get a lot of frowns from readers because a lot of them focus on sex, but that wasn't the case with His Frozen Heart. There was a real romance written that gradually built, yes it happened in a some-what short time span but it wasn't instal-love and it was clean!
What kept His Frozen Heart from getting 5 stars?
Really minor, hence the 4.5 Stars, but I was left with so many questions when His Frozen Heart came to an end! Then when I was first putting my review together I noticed that Amazon has it listed as a series. Well dang!! If only I knew that before hand! I was expecting this to be a standalone (I'm not complaining!) so I thought what we saw of these characters would be all we got, I wanted to know what would happen to Mark and his background. Guess I'll get my questions answered in the books to come! Fingers crossed!
Overall, His Frozen Heart was a great suspenseful read! Like I said above, this is my first Nancy Straight read but it won't be the last! This was well written, flowed, and I didn't come across any errors. Will I be continuing with the series? Yes. Would I recommend His Frozen Heart? Yes! I recommend this to anyone that looking forward a great combination of New Adult, Suspense, Mystery and clean Romance!
$100 Amazon gift card, 10 signed paperbacks, 10 audiobooks, and 20 ebooks
About the Author

I have read your review several times. I read it to my husband, both my sons and two of my dogs. We all agree that you are a flipping rock star!! Thank you so much for the kind words, you made my heart swell! I'm sorry you didn't know this was a series, and yes, Fractured Karma is book 2, it is Mark's story. I purposely didn't put in any kind of a cliff hanger so that His Frozen Heart could be read as a stand alone, but there is more to this journey.